Joyska's Journal: One Thing

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

One Thing

10,000 people... 250 children... 7 sessions... 4 days... and one tired Joyska!

The highlight of the conference for me was the kids dance. They danced to two of Misty's songs that had the phrases "I don't want to be offended when it's all coming down" and "i pledge my allegiance to Jesus, to Jesus" and "I want to be for you, not against you, I want to be with you where you are!" It was awesome to see the kids proclaim these truths as they dance and sang. Very powerful. And very annointed. 250 children learned the dance... about 200 actually performed it... complete with Faith doing the dance moves up on stage... in her wheel chair!

Then there is Adam's story. His father came to me during one of the practices to tell me about his son. A year ago, this ten year old boy could not walk, speak, and was in diapers. He was born with a disease that the doctors couldn't diagnose, but told his parents he would die by the time he was three. At that time they told him ...maybe 5. Then God healed him ... completely. At age 6 he contracted Meningitus (spelling?) and it almost killed him... God healed him AGAIN. Then at age 9 his brain shut down. He couldn't do anything at all by himself. The Psychologist sent him to the Neurologist, and the NEurologist said it was Psychological... neither knew what to do, and both medicated him highly. This was December of 2004. After seeking some advice from a hospital in Cleveland, his parents took him off of all drugs and God began to heal him again.

Saturday morning, along with Jonathon Maas and in front of the entire conference, Adam, (not his real name) LED the dance on the stage. THAT was my highlight!

Today I went downtown again. I LOVE the way the guys are at the door waiting for us and are welcoming and warm as we come in. Slim couldn't stay today, but we gave him a copy of the Song of Solomon condensed version... cuz, when he was at the conference !!!! he saw an ad for it and wanted to know more. It is so exciting to see the hunger in him and in Goldie. Shawn and Jeremiah too.

Tomorrow Art Katz is speaking at IHOP. Things never slow down around here!

Happy New Year to all! I hope your new year is going well already!
Joyska at 6:36 PM


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