Joyska's Journal: Three amazing days

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Three amazing days

Yes, Lanney, it has been 3 days. An amazing three days. I went to my Thursday morning class which is Apostolic Leadership. Lenny LaGuardia teaches this one. Some very deep things were spoken in that class (yes Brian, the email is coming on that) but what was awesome to me was Lenny invited one of the kids in. Her name is Kelsey and she is a young girl who walks in the power of the Spirit. She speaks the word with incredible profound insight, and prays with propheticc accuracy. We talk about the "forerunner" generation around here alot, the generation that Joel spoke of (your sons and daughters will prophesy) and I am seeing it happen here amongst kids like Kelsey. She prayed over our class for a longing to put God first, above everything, that we would recognize his voice and see clearly where he is leading. There was just a sweet presence in the room as she spoke and shared what God is teaching her. It was truly the highlight of my time here so far.

Friday morning was a continuation of Rhonda Calhoun's class on the Song of Solomon. WOW. The intimacy that God desires with his "sister and bride" is incredible. The Jewish custome in that day was that you could be openly affectionate with your sister in a public setting, but not with your wife or fiance'. (See no PDA's!!!! hehehe) Rhonda was saying that he said my sister my bride, to say that he had the freedom to show us affection in both arenas. It s a quick synopsis of what she said, and if you can get a hold of her CD on Jewish bridal customs, it is well worth the $10.00!!

Last night (Friday night) I had the privlege of teaching the 4-8 year olds. It's a wierd age range, but we talked about Jesus as our shepherd and what that means. The kids talked about how a shepherd took care of the sheep, how he looked for the one when it got lost, how he protects the sheep from wild animals, how he talks to the sheep "so they can know his voice" and how the shepherd would stop the rushing waters by putting rocks in the river, creating a calm spot, because sheep won't drink if the current is too fast. (I didn't know that one!) Anyway, as they kept talking I realized they knew this story so well, why was I even trying to teach it? I opened up a book I have that is illustrated by Tim Ladwig (Psalm 23). The kids were mesmerized. It is a book that looks at the 23rd Psalm through the eyse of an inner city child. The kids loved it! Then I asked them to draw a picture of what Jesus being a shepherd meant to them. It was beautiful. One of the kids draw a sheep with a human face. when I asked her about it, she said, "If a shepherd does all that, I want to be a sheep!" (Which of course opened up a great discussion with this young lady about the fact that she is a sheep and that Jesus is the shepherd! Her prayer at the end was great, "Jesus, make me a sheep that is warm and cuddly when you hold me!" LOVE THAT!!!

SO now, here I am in the prayer room, preparing for the Saturday night EGS (Encounter God Service). Nancy and Bev arrived yesterday and are actually crashing in my apartment for the weekend til they get housing sorted out. It's so good to be with friends from the Great White North again!!

Have a great weekend!!!
Joyska at 3:57 PM


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