Joyska's Journal: prayer room perspectives

Saturday, January 27, 2007

prayer room perspectives

It's Saturday afternoon, and I am sitting in the most unlikely place for a gathering of young people. I'm about in the middle of the Prayer Room here at IHOP because everything toward the front is full.

Did I mention it was Saturday? I am constantly amazed at the sacrafices those who come here make day after day. Corey Asbury is leading "How Great our God" acapella (only voices) and it is beautiful. There is s a stronger sense of purpose here lately. A seemiingly stronger focus on "solemn assembly" and giving it all to Jesus. It inspires me to dig deeper in His word, to know Him better, to hear Him for myself and to carry that to others. This place is a centering. Does that makes sense?

Life for me this past two weeks has been busy, but more than that, it's been distracting. There is always so much "stuff" going on, that I consistantly miss the point. I am here to pray, to intercede, to call out to the Lord to move the hearts of men.

We are seeing it so much more clearly at HOPE CITY, which has moved from a place of feeding the poor and praying to praying and feeding the poor. A subtle shift to the outside, but a monumental one for us. And it is happening. Our prayer meetings aren't like the one I'm in right now, but it's rawness is just as important. The other day we had 4 homeless "kids" (18-21 year olds) reading and praying scriptures right along side the seasoned 20 + years Christians. It was profound as we all picked a scripture to read and how God was speaking the same thing : HE IS OUR REFUGE AND STRENGTH in times of trouble.

One of the kids prayed that God would bring warmth to the coldest corners and light to the darkest places. YES! That is the point isn't it? God is moving and showing his refuge and strength even to the weak ones... and I put myself in that catagory by the way.

Our God is faithful. He is great.

I am praying for grace for all of us to walk out all that the Faithful One calls us to.
Joyska at 2:05 PM


Blogger Erica said...


6:54 PM  

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