Joyska's Journal: TAGGED!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


okay, apparently I have been tagged a few times... so here are the answers and my tag-ees!

What I was doing 10 years ago today:

I was leading a day camp in Grand Rapids, MI, preparing to move to Winnipeg Manitoba to be the Children's director at Good News Fellowship Christian Reformed Church. I was about to turn 24 years old and was none too happy that I had to leave! (Funny how life changes!)

What I was doing 5 years ago:

I was doing a daycamp in Winnipeg with WCV and Bethlehem Aboriginal Church. I had just left LBE(Living Bible Explorers) and was living in the North End.

What I was doing 1 year ago:

I was preparing to lead the children's ministry at WCV for the fall. I knew I was moving to Kansas City in January or February, and was laying out the plan for the kids.

What I was doing Yesterday:

I was writing curriculum for the kids I work with here in Kansas City (wow how things change... yet stay the same!) I was in the prayer room trying to figure out how to take the Apostolic prayers to 4 and 5 year olds!

What I will be doing Tomorrow:

Going back to the doctor. Participating in the Global Bridegroom Fast, going to a department head meeting...

5 Snacks I enjoy:
ice cream, *especially vanilla bean*, Little Debbie Nutty Bars, Snickers, Sour Cream and Onion potato chips... i could go on! :)

5 Adult Beverages:

Don't drink... but I did enjoy a Mike's Hard Lemonade though...

5 bands I know the lyrics to:

That is a hard one... I know lots of songs... but bands? I have to go back to my highschool days: Air Supply, Phil Collins, Chicago, The Police, and Sting

5 Things I would do with $100,000.00:

Give a lot to charities that help kids. Send money to family. Send money to friends who are missionaries, buy exercise equipment (and as a result new clothes!!) hehehe

5 Locations I would run away to:

The Netherlands, London, Atlanta (that is where the Coke Museum is! :) hehehe), the rocky mountains, Maritimes

5 Bad habits I have:

watch too much TV, procrastinate, eat too much, stay up too late, and withdraw when insecure

5 Things I love doing:

Being with friends, teaching and hanging out with children, reading, watching movies, and walking (that is a NEW love!)

5 Things I would never wear:

PINK! daisy duke shorts, high heels (never again!), white pants, and a bikini! (for which we are ALL thankful!)

5 TV shows I like:

Dr. Phil and Oprah (they are one show in my mind),CSI New York, Dharma and Greg, documentaries, and news shows.

5 Movies I like:

Only 5? Uh, let's see-- Princess Bride, A Man for All Seasons, Philadelphia, Shawshank Redemption, and Rabbit Proof Fence

5 Famous People I would like to meet:

Easy: Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr, St. Francis, Thomas Moore, and oddly enough, Tom Hanks... hehe

5 Biggest joys at the moment:

My job, the kids, the prayer room, my friends, and my apartment

5 Favourite toys:
(these are not really toys, but:)
My laptop, my DVD player, my coke phone, my coke collection, and my new shoes...

5 people I tag:
Joel Agustin, Nancy Crary, Cynthia P-L, Nancy Saura (email it to me and i will post it here!) and Joy Eidse
Joyska at 1:33 PM


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