Joyska's Journal: we are growing

Saturday, July 23, 2005

we are growing

the Encounter God Services here at IHOP are growing. For the past 6 months, (almost) the EGS's have been busy, but not packed. That seems to have changed. I am often not in the service, as I am with the kids, but last night, while with the kids the proof of our growth was evident.

Friday nights I usually have 10, maybe 13 kids. Last night I had 23. Now this is fine, if you are ready for it and have adequate staff... not so fine when you are planning on 10. However with some willing parents we covered it. 16 of these wonderfully cute 1-5 year olds were visitors...the wave of the future for EGS's I think.

It's exciting though, and as I have heard Lenny say a thousand times "we only have some of these kids for a second... what impact will you have on them?" and these little guys love to worship! So last night, all 23 of us worshiped, danced, and praised the Lord with our whole heart! It was really cool.

Tonight will probably have the same amount of kids as well as many more Sunday Am and Sunday night. I can never say it's boring!!!!
Joyska at 9:13 AM


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