100% pursuit
okay, i know I have blogged about this before, but it is forefront on my radar again. Mike spoke tonight about being "in the Spirit" specifically in regard to Revelation 4 and the Beauty Realm of God. (the throne room scene in Revelation 4 and 5). He took a bit of a bunny trail tonight to talk about how being "in the Spirit" is way more than encountering God in a trance like state, or hearing his voice audibly. It's about living a life in the Spirit, day by day. John experienced Christ's visitation while he was living FOR Jesus and was even in exile for his faith.
Being in the Spirit means living a pure life... or at the very least pursueing a pure life. Holiness is not an option or a choice, it's a commandment. Mike spoke about how every area of our life needs to be pursueing Jesus 100%. There are no half measures, no comparing ourselves to the next guy, saying, "well, at least I'm doing better than so and so"
This of course is not new, and it is not easy.
But it's also about not giving up. It is soooo easy to look at a situation and say, "well this is too hard, or it's not working out quite right, so maybe this isn't God's will for me right now." What if Job had said that... or Noah... or Paul... or Jesus himself? Paul was beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, mocked, you name it, but he KNEW that the Spirit of God was in him and he was hungry to see the gospel be told to Jew and Gentile.
What am I hungry for? I don't want to look at any situation and call it God's soveriegnty with out putting up a little fight if I believe He had called me there in the first place. Maybe, the situation and circumstances are to grow me up in Him, not to tell me to quit.
I want to see the beauty of God, here and in heaven. I want to run after holiness, regardless of what it costs me. I want to be hungry for His will in my life and not loss my fight everytime I feel discouraged by circumstances. If I am faithful to putting a gaurd on my tongue, a gaurd on my eyes, a gaurd on my time, and on my finances, as well of course other areas, I am that much closer to 100% pursuit of the Holiest of Holy. I don't want to be simply "more holy than so and so" I want to live my life with in His standards, not my own.
One more thing. Mike said tonite that we must want to go where only the Spirit can lead us and the Spirit can only lead us there if we are willing to go.
It brings me back to 1 John, "In Him there is no darkness at all". I am humbled by the fact that the only way for us to be reconsiled back to a Holy GOd, is through the Holy God becoming sin that I might see the righteousness of God.
Thank you Holy Spirit... continue to open up the mystery of God!
Being in the Spirit means living a pure life... or at the very least pursueing a pure life. Holiness is not an option or a choice, it's a commandment. Mike spoke about how every area of our life needs to be pursueing Jesus 100%. There are no half measures, no comparing ourselves to the next guy, saying, "well, at least I'm doing better than so and so"
This of course is not new, and it is not easy.
But it's also about not giving up. It is soooo easy to look at a situation and say, "well this is too hard, or it's not working out quite right, so maybe this isn't God's will for me right now." What if Job had said that... or Noah... or Paul... or Jesus himself? Paul was beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, mocked, you name it, but he KNEW that the Spirit of God was in him and he was hungry to see the gospel be told to Jew and Gentile.
What am I hungry for? I don't want to look at any situation and call it God's soveriegnty with out putting up a little fight if I believe He had called me there in the first place. Maybe, the situation and circumstances are to grow me up in Him, not to tell me to quit.
I want to see the beauty of God, here and in heaven. I want to run after holiness, regardless of what it costs me. I want to be hungry for His will in my life and not loss my fight everytime I feel discouraged by circumstances. If I am faithful to putting a gaurd on my tongue, a gaurd on my eyes, a gaurd on my time, and on my finances, as well of course other areas, I am that much closer to 100% pursuit of the Holiest of Holy. I don't want to be simply "more holy than so and so" I want to live my life with in His standards, not my own.
One more thing. Mike said tonite that we must want to go where only the Spirit can lead us and the Spirit can only lead us there if we are willing to go.
It brings me back to 1 John, "In Him there is no darkness at all". I am humbled by the fact that the only way for us to be reconsiled back to a Holy GOd, is through the Holy God becoming sin that I might see the righteousness of God.
Thank you Holy Spirit... continue to open up the mystery of God!
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