Joyska's Journal: new definition of "want"

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

new definition of "want"

We are in the midst of a 40 day fast here at IHOP, for revival, for the crisis in the Middle East and for the rights of the unborn. I have added to that Sanctuary (in Winipeg) and some personal things. We started March 1, and so far it has gone relatively well. I'm eating somethings, not other things, and the biggest thing is I have sworn off TV. (the occasional movie is okay, though)

I have been a movie freak for a long time... as many of you know, and I sold almost all of my "collection" when I moved to Kansas City because I felt the Lord said "no more distractions". Back in the day it was bad. I would watch my movies all the time, and when I wasn't watching them I was organizing them, alphabetically, by star, by year, whatever. And then I got rid of them all, and honestly have NOT missed them. Well I have discovered that I replaced those movie distractions with TV.

As a movie lover I also love the Oscars. I don't like what they represent (fame, wealth, power, arrogance etc) but I am fascinated by the ones that the academy calls "best". Anyway... they were on this past weekend. I had a new level of "I WANT TO WATCH THEM!!!", and when I came home from church my roommate was watching them. It took everything in me to walk away! I bargained with "it's only once a year, it's technically NOT TV, but God... it's the OSCARS!" and that is when I knew that all of it is still a distraction. I picked up my bag which had my journal and bible and fled to the prayer room!

Then yesterday, I was with a friend in the waiting room of a hospital during the surgery of a family member and what was blaring in the middle of the room? Of course... the TV. Now a couple hours of ignoring a box that is in your line of view and telling all the tantilizing gossip (news) of the day is difficult, and I must admit my head turned that direction more than once, but it is awakening in me a sadness of how easily distracted I am from the things of God.

Grace grace right?

There is a tornado watch on right now... surely weather updates don't qualify... right? Oh Lord, thank you for a deeper hunger for you as a result of saying no to other things!
Joyska at 2:00 PM


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