Bratwurst, Mac and Cheese and a wedding to come

Christina did the mac and cheese (15 boxes of shells and cheese) and there was much laughter as it was being made.
I've asked Christina to give her perspective of our Monday night meal, so I will move on to Tuesday.
Frog and Michelle came to our prayer meeting. They are getting married on Sunday night! We have the honour of hosting the reception and today michelle got a wedding dress! It's so fun.
The prayer meeting yesterday, though, was well... great.
Frog and Michelle came this time and it was so good to have them there. At one point they began to share more of their stories. Both of them have experienced a radical conversion story in which they were released from drugs and alcohol immediately. Frog was led to the Lord by a homeless man when he was looking for a hit. Michelle met Frog and he led her back to the Lord and she too is growing in relationship both with God and with Frog (hence the wedding this weekend). I'll write it out more extensively when I have their permission to do so. My heart is moved by them and their commitment to each other, the poor, and God.
They are mama and papa to many of the homeless. It's a growing community of people that look out for one another, pray for each other and do the "circuit" of places to get food. It's such a different reality than anything I could imagine. They are "squatting" in an abandoned building as the temps have dipped quite low again. (44 degrees at 5:15 pm and a freeze warning for tonight). They aren't asking for much, just enough to give them dignity. We are honoured to learn from them what it means to be homeless in Kansas City and what is really needed.
We did not get the buildings we were looking at. It's a long story, but it is right. We were initially disappointed, but it was so clear that the Lord said "not yet" so we continue to look for direction and where to go next. We as Hope City are officially homeless as of October 28 ourselves, but we have a new place to pray, so we will continue to feed on Mondays and Thursdays in the park. It will be colder than being in a building, but hey... we are hearty people! :) and if they can live in it, we can serve in it.
Please continue to pray. We are trusting the Lord to break in. He is up to something and we know that the Lord will fulfill His promises.
In other news the Canadian invasion occured again today. Christina and her brothers are still here, and now 5 more have come! Shane and Kristi, Harv, Joel, and Jacquie have all shown up... very fun... but also a tad overwhelming! ha ha!
Stay tuned for pics! :)
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