Pray for Hope City... PLEASE!

Here are a couple of pics of the buildings that Hope City is looking at. Here is the catch... we don't want them if they are not from God. The longing of our heart and one of the goals of Hope City is to house men and women who are ready to make changes in their lives, to follow the LORD and to be part of a prayer movement in the innercity. These buildings would serve that purpose in a spectacular way.
But that is OUR plan. I am asking that you would pray with us that the LORD confirm HIS plan and direct our steps. This coming week is crucial and critical for us as a ministry, and quite frankly for all of us personally. If the LORD has is it in HIS heart that we purchase these facilities, everything for Hope City goes up ten notches and away we go! Please pray for the leading of God, and a confirmation in our hearts!
Exodus 33:15 "Then he (Moses) said to Him 'If your presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here".
This passage is so powerful and meaningful for us even now. We know that the LORD has led us to where we are, and the thought of moving forward without His leading is terrifying, and moving ahead in our own excitement alone is not acceptable. The LORD MUST go with us... and we in return LONG to see His glory manifest on the earth! (vs 18).
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