The last three days have been a level of party I have not experienced. I will do my best to describe it all:
Imagine, a LARGE parking area in front of IHOP completely void of cars (except of course the shuttles and golf carts whipping around picking up garbage bags) and filled with round tables surrounded by chairs, one large tent FILLED with four lines of food for all, 3 large blowup jumpy thingies for kids, and large screen tv's everywhere broadcasting the "concert of friends" going on in the prayer room, a line going around the building for FREE drinks (any kind) from Higher Grounds, face painting, and to the side of the building, another tent filled with chairs, and another large screen TV for the overflow!
That is the atmosphere and the buzz that has been going on here for two nights! Last night Mike spoke many words about the history and the stories that brought IHOP to where it is. It was inspiring. And tonight, Mike gave a word that rattles my heart and causes me again to say "YES! I AM IN!" Mike talked about the four standards of IHOP... INTERCESSION (night and day prayer), HOLINESS(the Sermon on the mount lifestyle), OFFERINGS (extravagant giving to the harvest and the poor), and PROPHETIC (prevailing faith-confidence in God's intervention).
He also spoke about not wanting to have a reputation that we are doing it, without actually DOING it, needing to perservere and be diligent, not to Re-up so to speak, but to covenant again with God to live this lifestyle THAT IS NOT EASY with integrity regardless of the reactions of those around me. Not everyone is called to it, but those who are need to really DO it, and not back down.
If these nights are recorded (which I think they were) they are well worth getting the cds... especially tonights. Mike said tonight too, that if the leaders aren't doing it, the people won't either. As a leader by nature, and often in my life, by position; I've seen that. What I'm not willing to do, I can't ask anyone else to do. And then I look at Mike and realize that I have a long way to go to walk in the integrity and steadfastness that he walks in.
But, as he said, and I've heard many times, everyday is filled with a new grace, not to sin, but to pursue holiness anew everyday. Thank you Jesus!
Imagine, a LARGE parking area in front of IHOP completely void of cars (except of course the shuttles and golf carts whipping around picking up garbage bags) and filled with round tables surrounded by chairs, one large tent FILLED with four lines of food for all, 3 large blowup jumpy thingies for kids, and large screen tv's everywhere broadcasting the "concert of friends" going on in the prayer room, a line going around the building for FREE drinks (any kind) from Higher Grounds, face painting, and to the side of the building, another tent filled with chairs, and another large screen TV for the overflow!
That is the atmosphere and the buzz that has been going on here for two nights! Last night Mike spoke many words about the history and the stories that brought IHOP to where it is. It was inspiring. And tonight, Mike gave a word that rattles my heart and causes me again to say "YES! I AM IN!" Mike talked about the four standards of IHOP... INTERCESSION (night and day prayer), HOLINESS(the Sermon on the mount lifestyle), OFFERINGS (extravagant giving to the harvest and the poor), and PROPHETIC (prevailing faith-confidence in God's intervention).
He also spoke about not wanting to have a reputation that we are doing it, without actually DOING it, needing to perservere and be diligent, not to Re-up so to speak, but to covenant again with God to live this lifestyle THAT IS NOT EASY with integrity regardless of the reactions of those around me. Not everyone is called to it, but those who are need to really DO it, and not back down.
If these nights are recorded (which I think they were) they are well worth getting the cds... especially tonights. Mike said tonight too, that if the leaders aren't doing it, the people won't either. As a leader by nature, and often in my life, by position; I've seen that. What I'm not willing to do, I can't ask anyone else to do. And then I look at Mike and realize that I have a long way to go to walk in the integrity and steadfastness that he walks in.
But, as he said, and I've heard many times, everyday is filled with a new grace, not to sin, but to pursue holiness anew everyday. Thank you Jesus!
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