Joyska's Journal: A John G. Lake exerpt

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A John G. Lake exerpt

" One of the prophets in writing used these beautiful words which I wish I could write in the memory of every soul 'There shall be saviors in Zion' (see Obadaih 1:21)hearts that are melted into Christ Jesus. Souls that took upon themselves an understaning of His spiritual life and the ministry of His power. Made one with the Lord, proved by God. One day, Jesus Christ is going to have a Church that will be one with Himself. Everyone of them will pulse with the living Spirit and victorious life of Jesus Christ, being identified in heart, in mind, and body with the Lord Jesus Christ.

(a story)

There was a family of seven brothers. The father was wealthy. He had come to Africa in the early days and took possession of a great tract of land. Evnetually the old man died and left two thousand pounds of gold besides a large property of vast extent. The youngest son was the black sheep of the family. They had been finely educated and developed for generations. The family could tolerate this balck sheep with no leniency whatever. First this disgrace and that disgrace until the family was overwhelmed with the disgrace of it all.

They appealed to their attorney and asked, "What can we do?" They decided to make a contract with him, giving him all his share if he would leave the country, never to return. This was done, and Lew Watson disappeared for years. One of our missionaries was going up into the country one day and met a man with sixty-four zebras. They told him of the power of Jesus and went down and talked with him about his weakness, and Lew Watson was born of God. He could only cry and pray for the family he had disgraced.

Finally, he appeared one day in my tabernacle. He related the circumstances of how he left home. He said, 'They sacrificed to pay all my money into my hands, and I am worse than the prodigal, but I have my Lored. Do you suppose they will receive me, brother?'

I said, 'Never unless God makes it possible.'

He said, 'How can I go to them unless God baptizes me in the Holy Ghost?'

...And so he knelt down, and I laid my hand upon him and in less than five minutes he was baptized in the Spirit and glory of God. He aroseand went to train. He arrived at the ome of his eldest brother. He walked into the beautiful house. His brother recoiled with the shock. Poor Lew! He tried to talk to him, and made the same mistake as many others of us do when we do not let God do the talking for us.

So Lew left the house and down the road a ways he crawled under some prickly pear trees where no person would ever think of following , and he lay there pouring out his heart in mighty sobs and he broke out in the Spirit of Jesus. 'When Zion travaileth she will bring forth children.' God, we haven't got to travailing enough yet!

Well, that day when he left the house and went down the road sobbing he came to where the great prickly pears are so thick you cannot see the light, he crawled away back in there and prayed. When your ears hear that cry of the Spirit they will know it... A young man, the son of Lew Watson's brother, came along the road and heard him praying and knew enough of the words so that he passed on to the house. He said, 'Father, I know that something has taken place.'

The father said, 'Boy you know Uncle Lew and the conditions under which we lived and the sacrifices the entire family made to get him to leave the country and here he is back on our hands again.'

The boy said, 'Father, this is not the Uncle Lew we knew. I never heard a prayer like that.'

So the father walked down the road with the son and listend. The tears began to flow down his cheeks, his heart began to sob, he got down on his hands and knees and finally got to Lew and took him in his arms and kissed his tears away. Then he sent and called in the sixty other relatives and everyone of them were converted. When that crowd gathered, pooor Lew thought that he would have to preach, and he made the flattest kind of a failure. Then he said, 'Let us pray.' Then God came as he prayed out his heart, and old Tom (one of his relatives) fell to the floor under the power of God. and it kept on until they were all saved. God just came.

Men are preaching philosophy. Men are preaching science and preaching this and that. But the heart of mankind is crying out for God. Brother, when your heart gets to the place where Jesus was, where you are just as ready to give yourself for the one as Jesus was to give Himself, why the flashes of heaven will go out of your heart and ignite the hearts of others."
Joyska at 9:59 AM


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