Joyska's Journal: wow another birthday!

Friday, August 04, 2006

wow another birthday!

Hmmm... no one seems to feel the need to comment on the more serious blogs... interesting :)

well... today is my 35th birthday. (wow sounds a bit lit bilbo baggins doesn't it?)
It's odd being 35. There was a day when 35 sounded so old... a day when 35 was so adult. Wait, I think that day was yesterday! ha ha!

I remember the days of being one of the youngest in the I am (at least at IHOP where the medium age is 25) one of the older ones. I remember being the one who was "so mature" for her age... they don't say that anymore! :)

I am happy to be 35. (I think). It's a harder birthday then I thought it would be. I love where I am in my life for the most part and I am learning more everyday about who God made me to be and the journey He has me on.

But to say to people, "I'm 35" seems wrong. Have I reached the age where it is impolite to ask me how old I am? I don't think so... besides no one ever believes me when I tell them that anyway.

I have so much to be thankful for today. I have awesome friends, family, and people that I pray alongside of. I live in a place that is devoted to Jesus, to prayer, and to people, I have a roof over my head that continually gets paid for miraculously, and most importantly, I know I am where I am supposed to be and am doing and being who I really am (now I really sound like Bilbo Baggins!)

35 is alot closer to 40... and hopefully the best year to come.
Joyska at 8:09 AM


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