Joyska's Journal: the tension

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

the tension

I had an opportunity yesterday to speak to the Evangelism fellowship here at IHOP. I was asked to come and speak on the poor and to encourage these ones to turn their evangelistic eye to the broken and addicted in the core of Kansas City.

I went in with full intention of doing so, but from a totally different angle. I talked about the tension that we need to walk out daily... the tight rope so to speak.

Isaiah 58 talks about a true fast... to lose the bonds of wickedness (NKJV), to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free... TO SPEND yourself on behalf of the hungry (NIV). It's a valid call on all of us. It's necessary to NOT turn a blind eye to the things going on around us and to stand in the place of justice. I believe that we are as well called to "remember the poor". And it is a joy and pleasure for me to find myself there often.


There are many scriptures that talk about giving ourselves wholeheartedly to the word, to prayer, to study, to pursueing His heart. Years ago, after burning out on my own strength trying to SPEND myself on behalf of the hungry, the Lord arrested my heart with Exodus 14:14 "The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still."

It's a delicate balance. One step toward ONLY being still, and I lose the mandate to GO, one step too far GOING, with out being still, and I am doing it in my own strength. The two are in constant tension for me... hopefully holding me on the right path.

After an amazing God encounter two years ago, I heard the words "stay put and go". I've given many different possible meanings to that... stay connected to Winnipeg, but go to Kansas City... to name one of many interpretations, but I believe that this is the balance... STAY PUT in His presence, and GO in His promises... STAY PUT in a place of intercession, as Jesus lives always in intercession for us, and GO and make disciples...

We talk about Anna alot here at IHOP. She gave herself to prayer and to calling out to the Lord, but she also proclaimed Jesus to all who would listen... Anna walked the tight rope... as did Jesus himself, often finding a solitary place to pray and being moved with compassion for the multitudes.

The tension is this... the two CANNOT be seperated, and the tight rope walk is difficult, but necessary, and it is only in the grace and mercy of God that any of us can walk it out. We are all broken people, none of will ever get it right a hundred percent of the time, but I believe that the mandate to STAY PUT and to GO are not only valid, but essential to growing in the Lord.
Joyska at 9:52 PM


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