Yes. 400 IHOPers following a large green mountain apon which is St Pat himself saying, "I bring you the same message I brought to Ireland, repent, and be saved from your sins... for JESUS is ALIVE!" and many other such powerful gospel presentations... each one followed by 400 green shirted ones with streamers singing "Grace like rain falls down on me".
We were float #115 in 119 floats! haha... but what a way to end the parade! woohoo!
I will have more pics soon, but thought I would get this one out as soon as possible! :)
That is definitely a sea of green!
What a wonderful thing to preach on St. Patty's Day - TURN TO JESUS!
Amen and Amen.
(I will see you in less than a week and I am soooooo excited : )
Cool IHOP had a float!
And 400 people showed up, that's awesome!
That is so cool!
It sounds AMAZING...I wish I could see it but for some reason your pics won't show up :( I am glad you had a great St. Patrick's Day though!
ahhhhh GREAT!!!
love to you joyska. xo
shalom my born again
spirit filled
word believin
faith talkin
armor wearing
CHILD of the King. oxo
Is it still St. Patrick's Day there?
Man, those Americans can really keep a party going!
I heard a monolgue one time by a guy playing St. Patrick. It was amazing!! He was certainly a powerful believer.
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