enough to make you cry
I'm not, in my opinion, a person who is overly emotional. In fact when I took a personality test YEARS ago (when I first moved to Winnipeg!) I was labeled as ENFJ. The "F" in said test said I was a "feeler", and an extreme one at that. Now before I get comments saying that IS who I am... let me say that my dear friend Marja said it best when we went to a tear jerker movie and I didn't shed a tear:
"You are an extreme feeler with a problem!" I'll never forget that! :)
Well yesterday at Hope City (don't get too excited, I didn't cry) at our prayer meeting downtown there was an incredible sense of the Lord's favor and grace on what we were doing. Yesterday, we prayed two more into the kingdom! Kris and Butch, both confessed with their mouth that Jesus was Lord in their lives. It was awesome.
Kris is a great kid who is "working it out". He just came out of a short time in jail and part of his probation is to go into a 3 month live in program. It's a great thing and a difficult thing as he won't be able to join us 3 times a week and be with "positive praying people". We know the Lord has His hand on this man and are thrilled to see his progress. Pray for him though, we long to see him truly embrace the new life that is in him. It was wonderful and heart wrenching as I heard him say to Pastor Ray "I'll be back, maybe not for three months, but I'll be back because I need you guys!"
Then there was Butch. He got to us yesterday. Butch lives in an assisted living situation. He's a big man who 4 years ago hit his head and went into a coma, so there are some residual mental issues that we are awaiting the Lord to heal. Yesterday, we saw him walking down the street with a thin t-shirt and a wide open jacket, ripped sweat pants, and no socks in his shoes! Keep in mind, in Kansas City right now it's belowing freezing, lots of snow and a bitter wind.
When we got him to the prayer meeting, we asked him why he wasn't wearing socks. "I asked for help to get em on this morning, but the nurse said I wasn't going no where and didn't need em". His basic need aren't being met there and it was killing us. (We did go get him a pair of socks and put them on for him!)
These are precious ones in the kingdom. We love them and we see the Lord moving on and in them. We can't wait til they lead us! It's enough to make you cry!
Once again... A quick update on Pat. It is a crucial day for him today and is really in need of our prayers. He is have a traqea done today and because he's been a quadrapalegric (spelling?) for 33 years, his muscles aren't like ours, and it's going to be a difficult procedure. Please lift him up today in prayer!
"You are an extreme feeler with a problem!" I'll never forget that! :)
Well yesterday at Hope City (don't get too excited, I didn't cry) at our prayer meeting downtown there was an incredible sense of the Lord's favor and grace on what we were doing. Yesterday, we prayed two more into the kingdom! Kris and Butch, both confessed with their mouth that Jesus was Lord in their lives. It was awesome.
Kris is a great kid who is "working it out". He just came out of a short time in jail and part of his probation is to go into a 3 month live in program. It's a great thing and a difficult thing as he won't be able to join us 3 times a week and be with "positive praying people". We know the Lord has His hand on this man and are thrilled to see his progress. Pray for him though, we long to see him truly embrace the new life that is in him. It was wonderful and heart wrenching as I heard him say to Pastor Ray "I'll be back, maybe not for three months, but I'll be back because I need you guys!"
Then there was Butch. He got to us yesterday. Butch lives in an assisted living situation. He's a big man who 4 years ago hit his head and went into a coma, so there are some residual mental issues that we are awaiting the Lord to heal. Yesterday, we saw him walking down the street with a thin t-shirt and a wide open jacket, ripped sweat pants, and no socks in his shoes! Keep in mind, in Kansas City right now it's belowing freezing, lots of snow and a bitter wind.
When we got him to the prayer meeting, we asked him why he wasn't wearing socks. "I asked for help to get em on this morning, but the nurse said I wasn't going no where and didn't need em". His basic need aren't being met there and it was killing us. (We did go get him a pair of socks and put them on for him!)
These are precious ones in the kingdom. We love them and we see the Lord moving on and in them. We can't wait til they lead us! It's enough to make you cry!
Once again... A quick update on Pat. It is a crucial day for him today and is really in need of our prayers. He is have a traqea done today and because he's been a quadrapalegric (spelling?) for 33 years, his muscles aren't like ours, and it's going to be a difficult procedure. Please lift him up today in prayer!
we need to connect... i have questions... :o) ks
Joyska, being a feeler doesn't mean girly or super sensitive. It just means that you make choices based on how you feel about something. AND that's SO who you are, embrace it!It means you love Jesus because you can feel him versus him making sense on paper. It means you won't say things that those THINKERS say which can be pretty brutal sometimes ie: George?? Remember him?? Some of the things he said could bring people to tears!
ok, so i've seen you shed a tear or two! :)
Awww...being emotional is over-rated!
ha ha ha
Big Sap#1 in Winnipeg
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