Can you tell what I'm thinking about today? HA HA! As of February 4, this Canadian (who truly looooooves Diet Coke) has been state side for TWO YEARS! Wow, it was only yesterday that I (Jacob actually) crammed everything I own into a van and with fear and excitement headed to Kansas City. Time goes fast.
I have been missing Canada lately. The people for certain, but the country too. Where else can you experience -52 temperatures and still want a slurpee? Where else(to steal a phrase from Arrogant Worms... a wonderful parody band) is "the right to bare arms" about getting a sunburn?
Where else can you spend three weeks in the hospital and not pay a dime?
Don't get me wrong, I am happy to be in the U. S. of A. and have no immediate plans for departure, there are just some days when you miss "home".
For instance, I miss being able to get to any area of the city by bus. My whole world here is in the "bubble" unless some kind soul takes me out of it. I guess I could get a car, but that costs money that this intercessory missionary doesn't have, AND that isn't the point. When I lived in Winnipeg, I would get on a bus and THEN decide where I wanted to go. It was usually to wander the great expanses of some mall and then hit a movie theater.
Some would say I am better off where I am. And honestly, there IS something wonderful about 46 degree weather (F) and the sound of birds chirping in February that has it perks. I also am HIGHLY privileged to be 227 steps from the prayer room that never ceases *and I don't take that lightly*, and I am THRILLED to be a part of Hope City as God is breaking in in such a beautiful way... but again, some days you just miss "home".
In 9 days, part of home is coming here. Yvonne and company are headed this way and I say "couldn't happen too soon". I'll get my shot in the arm of Canadians and go on my merry way! But you know, if you are from Canada, and want to send me a bit of "home" somehow, this Canadian wouldn't complain :) My Canadian flag in my window has faded from Red to Orange to a pale pink... that can't be good!
One thing I know for sure: I sure could use a diet coke! haha... what else is new?
I wish I could be the 'little bit of Canada' coming with Yvonne and crew! :) Oh well, I'm sure I can think of something to send along in my place! Miss you too...Had Cheryl babysit the kids last night and was thinking about you and the night you left here, etc.
ahhh..the joys of Canada! We are enjoying that -52 weather these days!
Blessings to you! Thinking of you!
Home misses you too.
Sounds like you could really sympathize with me right now. Take how you feel now, and put it here:
You've not even VISITed Canada for 4 years and 2 months, and it is looking like it would be another 2 years before you could visit again (because of a new baby) and you still have no car, and no way of getting out of your house, again, unless some kind soul comes to get you and take you some where (which has happened once in those 4 years by someone besides my husband). You only occasionally get to church, and every or every OTHER weekend get to a grocer. That's it. My parents visit once a year, and one other friend from home once.
So I sound like a big whiner. But sometimes, or for me usually, most times, you JUST miss home. And since none of my family here has ever been away from monastery, they are not super understanding. I miss the people, the streets (cause here in Monastery, I'm on a dirt road), the church, food, concerts, museums.... you name it. Anywho. I bless you Sweety. I feel ya... Maybe Yvonne can hug ya for me... :) I'm sure she will. :)
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