One more in the kingdom! woo hoo!
Yesterday 2-7-07 the Lord added one to His family!
We have been hanging out with another young man from the inner city who has been living on the street for some time. With this cold weather he has found some places to stay, but he has never been sure from day to day where he was staying.
Yesterday, in the back of Ronna's car, after asking some great questionsJonathon gave his life to the Lord. He was visibly touched and moved by the Spirit, and went directly to the prayer room after His experience. There he felt the Lord showed him some very specific things about his life. He is so excited and so are we!
God is moving so powerfully at Hope City. It's been fun to see these guys come to the Lord and start to see changes in their lives. The "kids" that I've mentioned before are all working and we are seeing an interest in the things of the Lord sparking in them.
What a privilege. What an honour. And what a joy.
We have been hanging out with another young man from the inner city who has been living on the street for some time. With this cold weather he has found some places to stay, but he has never been sure from day to day where he was staying.
Yesterday, in the back of Ronna's car, after asking some great questionsJonathon gave his life to the Lord. He was visibly touched and moved by the Spirit, and went directly to the prayer room after His experience. There he felt the Lord showed him some very specific things about his life. He is so excited and so are we!
God is moving so powerfully at Hope City. It's been fun to see these guys come to the Lord and start to see changes in their lives. The "kids" that I've mentioned before are all working and we are seeing an interest in the things of the Lord sparking in them.
What a privilege. What an honour. And what a joy.
Woo hoo! That is so awesome!
that's awesome! such an honor!
Praise the Lord! That is amazing!
Jesus, bless Jonathon. I pray for your love, wisdom, might and joy to abound in his life. Amen!
This is a comment about your previous post...did you know that every Canadian living abroad is entitled to a FREE Canadian Flag. To claim yours, all you have to do is write to your MP and request it...We did that when we lived in the Netherlands and it wasn't long before a Supersized on arrived!
thanks rebecca! that is a great idea!
hey we got one more today too. monkey dont forget
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