Joyska's Journal: Free Cell Phones

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Free Cell Phones

If you read the paper daily or watch CBC you may have heard the story about the "free" cell phone offer that has affected the folks where I work.

About a week ago, I noticed a number of our patrons gathering around a van outside. Seven or so got into the van and drove away. In asking what was going on, we discovered that someone was bringing people to a local electronics store to sign up for their own phones. The phones were free and they were given 4 months free access to unlimited calling, internet, text, and other fun stuff. The catch? After the four months, it is $62.00 a month for THREE YEARS.

In investigating further, we discovered it was a costumer cashing in a costumer incintive of a $50.00 gift card for any people they bring in. This costumer brought in anywhere from 35-50 (haven't gotten a difinitive #) of our patrons.

Now our patrons are all adults, they are capable of making their own decisions, so what's the big deal? The big deal is that someone came to a homeless shelter, taking advantage of a "minority group" if you will, by saying the phones were free. Once there, there were no credit checks, all they needed was ID, and they were signed up, given a killer phone, and brought back to the mission by the same costumer.

Now to be fair, the electronic store cancelled their costumer incentive and has offered to rescind the contracts if they want to, if they do it in the next two weeks. Knowing the folks I work with, few will return them, because they like them. Some will sell the phones to help a habit, and some will be responsible and it won't be an issue. But for those who struggle in many areas will find this yet another bill they are unable to pay.

It's just amazing to me, how someone can take advantage of a group of people who already are struggling to survive.
Joyska at 7:56 AM


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