Joyska's Journal: so many things

Monday, January 24, 2005

so many things

It has been a priviledge for me, this past week (this is what I was really up to... while I was buried in the snow bank...) to speak at three different gatherings. God has been teaching me so many things that sometimes I feel like I could burst. They aren't "new" or even profound things, but they are "real" things and I am constantly amazed at how the real things are the things that really matter. It's so easy to become complacent and satisfied or even "contently dis-satisfied" and assume that is the way it is or will always be. But it isn't.

I think we as a society are somewhat afraid to call each other on apathy. It's easier to just let it be... it's easier to become... apathetic. Sometimes it's not apathy, but rather busy-ness, or isolation, or fear. But it isn't community, and it isn't pursueing the heart of the Father. Don't get me wrong, I do not have it figured out myself either, but as I read Paul's letters, apathy isn't an option presented. He uses statements like "run the race set before you" and "work out your salvation" and many other phrases. In Revelation, it says again and again in the first few chapters "and to those who overcome..." It's about action... not legalism and the law, but action; stepping out in faith and love.

God gives us faith. God makes us holy. Our only part in this whole thing is to say yes and to obey his law, again, not out of legalism or a religious spirit, but out of thanksgiving to a God who loves us more than we love ourselves! Purity, righteousness and love stand out in our world. Maybe that is what it is all about... standing up and standing out in our pursuit of Jesus.

Too preachy? maybe, but hey, it is MY blog!!!! (Maybe I should have stayed in my snow bank hehehe)
Joyska at 8:13 PM


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