Joyska's Journal: I'm Home... sort of

Sunday, January 09, 2005

I'm Home... sort of

I'm HOME, I'm HOME!! I can't believe it! And now here I am early Sunday morning back at the church... and glad to be here. I'm also struck with the melancholy knowledge that this is my office for only four more Sundays. Soon it will beging to look like someone else's office. That's okay though, because excitement is growing in me as I look stateside. There is much for me to do there and the more I talk with Lenny (the Children's Equipping Center Director) the more I know this is the right move for me.

This is the timeframe: I am working with WCV until the end of July. My last Sunday here will be the 30th of January. Then I will head to Kansas City the following Thursday or Friday. BEFORE THAT however, I will be setting things up as best I can for the WCV Children's Department for a smooth as possible change over, AND I need to solidify my support so that I can successfully cross the border and recieve my Visa. (So if you have a recieved a letter -- expect a phone call!!! NO pressure, just looking for responses). If you have not received a letter and are interested in supporting this adventure, please let me know!!!

Anyway, I come this early to get things done, and so off I go... have a great Sunday!
Joyska at 7:00 AM


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