Joyska's Journal: NO MOSQUITOES, but watch out for Chiggers...

Sunday, June 19, 2005

NO MOSQUITOES, but watch out for Chiggers...

I'm at camp for the next few days... tents, kids, power encounters... sounds like a good week to me!

The Kansas City Signs and Wonders kids Camp is this week... starting today and going through to Wednesday. I will be sleeping in a large tent with 9 girls between the ages of 7-9. The kids are coming from 20 different states (incluing MO). I'm excited to see what God will do...

And get this, camping outside, in June and VERY FEW mosquitoes! I know that is shocking to my Winnipeg readers, but there are places in the world where mosquitoes can't carry away your dog...

They do say though, to watch out for CHIGGERS... i have NO IDEA what those are, but they are not ticks, and the burrow into your sking... hmmm, maybe mosquitoes are better...

Anyway, please pray that the lives of these kids are impacted with the Spirit of God and with His mercy. I am speaking 3 times during the camp, and my longing is for the kids to find Him and be empowered by the Spirit. I'll fill y'all in on Thursday!
Joyska at 5:03 AM


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