Joyska's Journal: wow and....

Thursday, June 23, 2005

wow and....

The "wow" was all I could say in regards to the signs and wonders camp. I was blown away at what I saw, what I experienced, and what God did with 150 kids ages 9-12 (with a few 6-8 year old siblings).

Let me give you a few snap shots:

Tuesday night, we had a service in the Multi-purpose room (for those of you who have been here). We started out with worship led by Carol Hall. The kids simply engaged immediately. With in minutes the kids were on their feet hands raised, and crying out for Jesus to come, many of them using their prayer language. This was not scripted. Lenny facilitated the meeting, helping the kids focus on healing toward the end of the worship time. He had invited people withing IHOP that needed physical healing. There were about 15 people who came up to the front of the room. For the next 45 minutes (!) the kids ALL of them, came and prayed for the sick. One woman was healed while the kids were praying. She couldn't lift her arms above her head, and her back was extremely sore. She jumped up at one point raised her hands above her head and danced around. The kids clapped and praised God, and moved on to the others that were receiving prayer. One woman, suffering from arthritis, called the next day, saying she stopped taking her meds that day, and there was NO PAIN at all. WOW

I was one they were praying for (for the Diabities) and though I wasn't healed, I felt the presence and power of God. The whole time I was up there, I was thinking of the story of the woman who reached out and touched the hem of his garment. At one point one of the girls came up and was quiet. Then she said this: "i just get the feeling that you need to have the faith of the woman who reached out for the hem of His garment." YEAH God! I told her what was happening for me, and she cried, cuz she didn't think she could hear from God. WOW

The worship times rocked. The kids amazed me, the power of God was thick everytime we got together. The kids responded well to every teaching time I did as well. It really was the power of God all over this camp. Even in the tents.

I had 11 girls in my tent, by myself, and we had astounding prayer times and great relational times. I was so proud of them... Two of the younger girls (i had 3 of the 4 young kids!) were incredible intercessors and everytime I turned around were praying for someone. We were in the prayer room for about 45 minutes and the whole time, they asked God who to pray for, went to them and prayed. At first I was a little annoyed, because the assignment was to listen to what God was saying about them... but then I realized, they were doing exactly what they were supposed to do. WOW.

I could tell many more stories... call me if you want to hear more... but know this: I have been in children's ministry for 15 years, and I have never seen anything like this... YEAH GOD! WOW
Joyska at 6:04 PM


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