Joyska's Journal: rubik's cube freak!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

rubik's cube freak!

I met someone tonight who can solve the Rubik's cube in 30 seconds... from any mixed starting position. I watched him do it a number of times! He is 20 years old and he is amazing on the stupid thing. I have memories of taking the stickers off to make it look like I figured it out! (he despises people like me!) He was talking about figuring it out through a series of algarythms... (what are algarythms?!!?!?) and by learning a certain number of them, you can solve any cube.

So I take the cube from him, and really try to mix it up... I was trying to get only one of each color on each side... makes sense except that there are 6 sides and 9 pieces to a side. He laughed pretty hard at me...

Not only is he 14 years younger and explains things like algarythms, but he wasn't even born when I was moving the stickers to try and solve the stupid thing... and he can finish it in 30 seconds. That is little humiliating...

Did I mention that I went to a college that didn't have math and science... and that's one of the reasons I chose it?

I just kept reminding myself that I am good with kids... betcha he couldn't do that... then a few of us went out for super and sure enough the cube came in with us and he had a child mesmerized as he quickly solved it again... seriously, doesn't he get bored?

Josh grabbed it and messed it up... only to have Jordan grab it back and solve it... again. I tell you...this boy is a freak!

Great... now I want a Rubik's cube... pathetic.
Joyska at 9:02 PM


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