Joyska's Journal: wisdom and revelation

Sunday, August 21, 2005

wisdom and revelation

Mike spoke on Ephesians 1:17-19 on Friday night (as well as other prayers). I was sitting up in my seat as he went through it, because that is what I have been teaching the 4 and 5 years olds for the past two weeks.

And again on this glorious Sunday (early) morning, I am preparing the final touches on my lesson for today. Today we are talking about wisdom and revelation... the knowledge (experience) of God and the understanding of His word. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out the best story to demonstrate wisdom inparticular. Then it hit me...

The most powerful man (in his day) is given a gift. The Lord comes to him in a dream and says... I will give you what ever you ask for... what do you wish? And Solomon, David's son, responds first by acknowledging how good God has been to David and his family, and then without thought to himself, asks God for wisdom to know how to govern God's people in fairness and justice. God is so pleased with his answer that he not only makes him wise, but he makes him famous throughout the earth and exceedingly wealthy.

When we position ourselves to recognize what God has already done, and is already doing, I think we are in a much better place to know what to ask for. When we know his word, we are in a better place to know His heart, and know what He wants to give us. I have enough experiences with the LORD that I am not after worldly wealth, I'm not after fame... I'm after the things of his heart. Solomon didn't stay in obedience to the Lord though, he did eventually make some "unwise" choices, not from lack of wisdom persey... more from lack of staying in tune with God's heart.

Probably a little too deep and abstract for my 4 and 5 year olds, but it is impacting my heart, and that is the best place to be when trying to impart it to others anyway!

Hope your day is filled with the wisdom and revelation of HIS heart!
Joyska at 5:27 AM


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