Joyska's Journal: all authority

Sunday, June 04, 2006

all authority

Matthew 28:18-20... "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore...I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

I've been studying Mark for the last few days. So why start the blog with a quote from Matthew? I've read through Mark a couple of times in the last few days and the word "authority" keeps coming through. Then I remembered that the book of Matthew ends with the same word. All authority is His... and He gives it to us... and we are to use it... with the rememberance... the assurance that He is with us always.

In the book of Mark there are various times that Jesus shows His authority... over the demons, over the waters and waves, in the words he speaks, over the temple leaders, society leaders, the crowds.... Over and over again His words have weight. AND various reactions. People respond with awe, with wonder, and with fear and anger. Funny how one event can have so many responses.

In Chapter 6, Jesus GIVES that same authority to His disciples and sends them out. For the most part they are successful... demons are cast out, healings occur, and the word goes out with power. They would then come back to Jesus and be taught where they went wrong (this one comes out only by prayer and fasting), encouraged by Him and sent out again.

I noticed also that the leaders of society had no sway over Him until He allowed it. They tried to trick Him, they tried to trip Him up on the law, and they tried at times to even overtake Him. But each time, Jesus silenced them, either with rebuke, wise responses, or by His power. In fact after all levels of leadership (chapter 12) tried to trick Him, no one dared ask Him any more questions. Again that same authority was GIVEN to the disciples. And to us.

I've been asking myself the question why I am so easily silenced. Why do I opt for comfortable relationships instead of speaking boldly and with truth? So often it is my lack of belief that God has given ME that same authority. My prayer as I go into the prayer room tonight is that God would help me to choose courage, and trust His authority in me... what that looks like... well, Mark saw it and showed us! I think if I were to walk in that same authority my life would have to change...

I was talking with a friend the other day and someone jokingly called her trouble... she responded with that's right... trouble to the very depths of hell! She is also one who I know takes her authority seriously and is a threat!

hmmm... i like the sound of that!
Joyska at 9:46 PM


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