Joyska's Journal: all we want

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

all we want

"Brokenness is realizing He is all we have.
Hope is realizing He is all we need.
Joy is realizing He is all we want."

This is a qoute from "The Safest Place on Earth" by Larry Crabb. I found it interesting.

Brokenness-- He is all we have. There is no other help truer or greater. I love that realization because it takes away blame, takes away anger, takes away all the steps of "doing" to be healed, but puts us (me) in the place where it is falling on my face before Him and saying (again and again) I can't do it... You are the only one who can walk me through (whatever it is I'm walking through at that moment) In fact... I am not even able to walk... carry me through it!!

Hope-- He is all we need. What a great realization. when I find myself there... I find myself at peace, and ready to move ahead.

Joy-- He is all we want. Doesn't that sound amazing? Even in this place of 24/7 prayer and seeking the Lord, there are definitely times that I find that I DON'T want to be in His presence... I want what I want. Joy is when he changes my wants to be in line with His... HIM. I hear that here all the time... "I want you alone, I want to know you more..."I'm sometimes still at a place where I cry out

"I want to want you! I am willing to be willing." :)

With all that... read Hebrews 4:16... it's a good verse!
Joyska at 10:41 PM


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