Joyska's Journal

Thursday, June 01, 2006

sorry dad... your birthday blog was short lived!

I've been thinking alot about destiny lately. How do we walk in the destiny God calls us into? And what stops us from living out our true identity... as children of God?

For instance... i believe my name holds my true identity... in doing a name search, i discovered that my name means "beloved one who brings much joy" and my middle name "johanna" means "delivered one" what a great idenity... delivered one and beloved one who brings much joy!!

But as I look back over my life... i have struggled deeply with depression and isolating my true self and feelings. (apparently not today however!)... why is that?

I think that the area that we are most called in is the area that we are most attacked in. But it also the area we need to contend for the most! It is easy to get "lazy" or even overwhelmed by the constant attack we feel. But the reality is that we are ALREADY overcomers! In revelation, there is a phrase that says "to him who overcomes"... our destiny today and eternally is not simply handed to us... it's something we have to fight for.

In some respects it is what "work out your faith with fear and trembling" means. (This by no means is an exegesis on any passage -- just random thoughts). One thing I do know and am learning more each day is that if the fire isn't kindled in me to run after my destiny... to truly see what God has called me to BE (not connected to what I DO) then my words of "life" that I want to give to others are empty and without impact.

I met with some of my friends today from Hope City. They see me... they see my destiny... and they speak words from a place of fire in them... and it has impact in my life. I don't know if there is a raging blaze in me... yet... but I know that there is at least a little heat to give some umph to my words simply because He lives in me.

Hmmm.... gives a little bit of a twist to the words "fan into flame!"
Joyska at 11:50 PM


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