Joyska's Journal: a few "light" topics....

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

a few "light" topics....

This morning at OMEGA we talked about the different views of the millenium (1000 year rule and reign of Jesus). Talked about PRE, POST, A- millinealism, and the lighthearted pan and pro millinealism... Have no idea what I am talking about? Call me ... my brain is FULL of it all! haha

Then two ladies from my table (that I am facilitating discussion for) took me out for lunch! (Due to Randy's "take your table leader out for lunch and ask them how they got to IHOP... garaunteed a good story!) So for 2 hours we chatted about IHOP, my role here and how I got here and where they come from! One lady was saved through a 700 Club show that she was watching on TV many years ago! ha-ha... sorry mom, I shouldn't have mocked that show growing up!...

this afternoon we talked about the plan, the procession... the 7 year tribulation, the 3 1/2 years of peace followed by 3 1/2 years of "evil". We talked about the 12 signs that Jesus told us to look for... the place of Israel... you name it, we talked about it...

Then again as a result of Randy's command, two of the older guys at my table bought me a "sugar free vanilla avalanche" at Higher Grounds and we sat and talked for almost an hour and a half about Israel, the Palestinians, Egypt, Iran and the conflict in the middle east. One of the men lives in Cairo and the other has spent much time in the middle east. It was a fascinating conversation revolving around Isaiah 19 and other passages regarding Egypt especially!

Now if that weren't enough for one day, I ran home, grabbed a few crackers and ran back out the door and went to my Overcoming Barriers class at FSM that I am TAing!
Tonight's topic? Overcoming Lust... shutting the eye gate, before it gets to the thoughts, then to the heart, and finally to the action. NO light topics for me!

Here is a tid bit from that discussion:

When Jesus says "You have heard it said" he is not contradicting the Law given to Moses, he was there when it was written! What He is saying is, you have taken the letter of the law... the action... and focused on that...but I (Jesus) tell you ... it is the spirit of the Law you must obey... even the thought of it will produce sin... so stop the thought... you stop the sin.

I thought that was GREAT... Holiness is not an option!... Paul told the Ephesians to not even have a HINT of sexual immorality amongst them... and they were in EPHESUS where once a year there was a huge festival of immorality! That was the context of his admonition to them.

Okay... relax! I am WOUND UP with all the info I have taken in today. Time to go to the prayer room for a bit to settle it all in my heart... then off to sleep to spend tomorrow finishing the OMEGA class and doing a Q and A with Mr. Bickle in the afternoon, after of course, a meal with the HOPE CITY team!

Yikes... Good thing the weekend is coming!
Joyska at 8:57 PM


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