Joyska's Journal: they're here!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

they're here!

It's so fun having old friends come into a new phase of your life.

IHOP is a foriegn world to these guys and it is great to give them the grand tour and the heart and soul of why IHOP even exists. I surprised even myself as I sat up til 1:00 talking with Joann about all that I am learning, and what I am doing here, and especially how I grown in the Lord.

I needed that. I think it is so easy to forget how blessed I am to be in a place like this. Like Cheryl J. said in her blog a while ago..."life is life" and the rest is geography! No matter where I live, I face the same life challenges, no matter what I do, my weaknesses show, but God reminded me last night that I have, here at IHOP grown a hunger for Him and a longing for His presence. I have developed a habit of extended prayer times, I have learned and continue to learn that the heart of God is for His people, not angry, or disappointed,but deeply in love and longing for "voluntary lovers" as Mike calls us.

My life (as all of ours lives are) is a series of phases... the Alberta Phase... The Grand Rapids Phase, the Winnipeg Phaase, and now the Kansas City Phase. There is one thing that has remained consistant through all of it...

God's pursuit of me. His hand is so evident in every phase. His beauty demonstrated through provision, protection and people He's connected me with along the way. I'll be 35 in a couple months, and looking back, through all of it, God's hand has held me... even when i've pushed it away.

Yah... well that was close to being mushy... so I'll end there and get back to hugging Katlyn, Joann's adorable little one year old! Have a good weekend one and all!
Joyska at 7:06 AM


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