Today was an incredible day.
Lisa and Ronna came over a little early, we loaded up the sleeping bags, met up with Jane, Zeke, Manny, Tish, Michelle and Frog, grabbed the shuttle (which Lisa so expertly drove), stopped at a couple places to pick our people up, and headed to a new place to pray.
Ray (yes... another RAY-- which means King or kingly by the way) Mabian has a church just down the street from the buildings we were praying for, and he has allowed us to move our prayer meetings on Tuesday to his place.
We walked in and three or four were waiting for us, 11 of us walked in, 3 more joined us and I counted 19. We have been asking the Lord for 20 people before we added another prayer meeting and for almost 2 years, we have had 19 or less. Then in walked 2 more. And shortly after that, one more. I counted again, as did the rest of us who knew the significance of numbers, and yep... 22.
God is continueing to speak to us. There is great excitement as Michelle and Frog have vision to start a "mobile" soup kitchen with their new camping gear... getting HOT food to those who won't come out to the shelters, those who are isolated and alone. And God confirmed it for them, as one of the new people to our prayer meeting gave them money to help them... which they turned around and gave back to Hope City for us to buy the food that they will need to get this going! Amazing.
We handed out the sleeping bags to two of the intended recipients who were thrilled and grateful, and then 9 of us headed to the Bronx for Pizza! It was so fun to sit with 2 homeless couples, eating together, laughing, and looking at wedding pictures! Suzanne and Ray (see Rays all over the place) were with us and loved the prayer meeting and riding around on our crazy bus...
There was so much that happened today. Marsha gave testimony on how God has changed her life and how thankful she was that He had brought us to her to give her hope. Michelle and Frog (who by the way are both quite sick with Pneumonia type colds) were flying with excitement, Ray S. (our captian of sound and all things technical) is out there trying to find us a place to meet and feed, and Pastor Ray was moving in the prophetic words of knowledge by the end.
One more significant thing. Pat Bickle, Lisa's brother, who has been a quadrapalegic (sp?) for 33 years is in the hospital and is not doing well. His blood pressure has dropped as low as 60/30 and has jumped up as high as 250. During the prayer meeting we felt the need to pray for Pat and did so. There was a picture of all of us in the room holding him up, and Lisa shared a dream that the church at large was being impressed apon to pray for Pat's healing and to CALL out to the Lord. His healing holds significance and relevance to us all... Please join in praying for his healing... complete healing!
When it was time to drop everyone off, no one wanted to go. We made a quick stop to say hello to Ron and give him a piece of pizza, and then took Frog and Michelle to where they are "squatting" equipped with sleeping bags, camping gear, food, and much love. That was heart breaking to me. Then we dropped off Suzanne and Ray, near where they are staying (outside) with their sleeping bags, again... feeling like I wanted to do so much more for them, and then proceeded to take Marsha home. On the way there, Marsha said it was the saddest part of the day for her... having to go home by herself. I get that.
The four of us (lisa, jane, ronna, and myself) proceeded back to IHOP, exhausted but exilerated at all that God had done and is doing. None of us wanted to leave either.
God of glory, break in. Let us see your kingdom established in the core of Kansas City. Break in and bring revival to the meek ones of the earth! Help us be your hands and feet and to always see you in their eyes.
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