Heard in the prayer room: 10:00 set
I have nothing apart from you
What I need is something supernatural
What I need is something from heaven
Something unusual
Something only you can do
The fullness of God
So I wait for you, for the fullness of all you have
This is my confidence
For those who wait on the living God will never be put to shame
So I wait
I trust in you
In every season, I will wait
As long as it takes, I will wait.
The Lord gives life to those who call upon his name
So I come to the dwelling place, I pour out my heart before you
Help me pour out my life waiting for you and sitting at your feet
I will wait for you to come.
I trust you.
Into your hands I commit my spirit
I pour out my heart
My soul cries out for the living God
I long for you with everything I am
You are my strength, my all in all
I will pour out my heart, I will trust you
You will come
You are the same, you never change
I believe in you, you come
There is no shadow of turning in you
You have always been faithful… you will come
You never change you are always the same
Forever you are faithful
You never change, You are always the same
So I pour out my heart
“Taste and see that the Lord is good
Oh taste and see that the Lord is good to me
You’ve turned my mourning into dancing
Put off my rags and clothed me with gladness
I will rise, I will praise you
I’ll sing and not be silent
Oh Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever
Oh Lord my God, I will give thanks to you.”
lurk, lurk, lurk....POKE :)
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