Joyska's Journal: Count your blessings!

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Count your blessings!

I have never felt so blessed! I have never felt so appreciated and loved!

Last night there was a huge party for ME! The body of WCV (Winnipeg Centre Vineyard) came around me and gave me a going away/ fundraiser party. And it was amazing! I think my favourite moment was when the kids were dancing with all their heart as Andy Wood led them in "their" style of worship and then this overwhelming experience of all the kids coming around ME AND PRAYING. There was such a spirit of love and blessing coming from the kids! And I was and am undone.

In the midst of the sweaty armpits and farting and giggling, the children were God's heart to me last night. At one point Brian (one of the pastors in our church) began to pray Psalm 75(?) which talks about the blessing of children. During that prayer, he said "Joyska, lift your head". And as I opened my eyes, I saw this sea of children surrounding me on all sides, from little Sara Labun, who is still so little I haven't gotten to know her well yet, to Becky Hill whom I have known for 8 years. It really moved me and all I could do was thank my God, for them, and for the honour it has been for me to know everyone of these kids.

Okay, before I need a mop to clean up the puddle, I need to move on. Another favourite moment was when Cheryl announced that I was selling my DVD collection. There was literally a collective gasp throughout the room and a rush to the back of the room where the DVDs and VHS were. It was awesome! Then as everyone was leaving, I watched as literally, pieces of me left with a lot of the people. It was so fun, and it blessed me financially.

So if you were there, Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. If you weren't know that this communtity truly has been my heavenly family!

There were lots of great moments, but I have said enough for now! Bless ya all!
Joyska at 8:15 AM


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