Joyska's Journal: Tools for the prayer room

Monday, March 14, 2005

Tools for the prayer room

We have this course on Friday mornings called tools for the prayer room. It's a great class, because when you are spending 12+ hours a week (usually more) in the prayer room, it is easy to just "put in time" rather than really engage.

Here in lies the story...

Sunday afternoon, I really wanted to spend some time in the prayer room. Because of the conference and meetings, prep and other things, I had spent only a couple of hours in the prayer room the week before. I was pretty exhausted, but I missed being in there. So, around 4:00 I headed over. When I went in, Kirk Bennett was prayer leading, and he was focusing in on the abortion issue. I immediately felt the presence of the Lord and was crying. This is an issue that has become very important in my heart to pray about. I sat down with tears streaming down my face, leaned my head back on the chair and...

fell asleep. Yep, deep issue, emotions fully engaged, and I fell asleep.

Go ahead, laugh, it was funny. the worst (or best, depending on how mean spirited you are) part was when I woke up, I opened my eyes and realized where I was. Kirk and the team were still going strong, but as I looked at my watch, it was 5:35. I had to be in the preschool by 5:40, and as I sat up and looked around, there were a number of people who smiled or winked at me.

A bus could have run me over I was so embarrassed. I knew by the expressions of those around me, that I had been SNORING in the house of prayer for over an hour! I was mortified!

I guess I needed the sleep, but really...

And out of humiliation as much as out of necessity, I picked my ego off the floor and walked out of the prayer room with my dignity trailing behind, wiping the drool off my chin as I went.

My only consulation in this whole thing is that the Bible does say that he grants sleep to those he loves! (I just don't think he meant in the prayer room!)

Joyska at 9:13 PM


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