Joyska's Journal: God Told me

Monday, April 11, 2005

God Told me

It has been a busy weekend with the Isreal Mandate conference. It has been really good too. It is now Monday and I am enjoying my day off as I sit in the Higher Grounds coffee shop catching up on emails and blogs.

I've been reflecting on my time with the kids this past weekend and wanted to share my favourite moment. Sunday morning Pam was teaching the kids about Abraham and Isaac and how Abraham heard the voice of God, and even though it didn't make sense and it was a very hard thing to do, he obeyed God. Keep in mind these are 3,4,and 5 year olds... One of the kids, Chloe, who still isn't 100% sure she wants me around (but also says she likes me better) turns to me and says: Miss Joyska, I think God told me I need to go see my mom.

(NICE TRY CHLOE!!) I smiled and said that I believe that God would speak and say something to her like that, but that there is also an important part of hearing God that is called "timing" We ended up having this great conversation about wanting to not only hear God's voice, but also wanting to hear when we are to move ahead with what he tells us. Then I asked her, "so, Chloe, do you need to go see your mom now?" She giggled, and went to play.

I love having the priviledge of teaching these kids. They are so open and God is speaking to them.

I also had the priviledge of having 5 extra people in my home this weekend. Bev, Nancy Crary, Diane, Ionka, and Cheryl Buhler all came down for a visit of sorts. Bev came down to help Nancy move here last weekend and the rest came to visit and pick up Bev to take her home this past weekend. Did that make sense? yah, I don't think I got it either! Anyway, it was fun to have so many happy smiling faces in our home. You guys rock! We went to Penera Breads on Sunday before they left. I would've taken to JackStacks, but Penera is healthier!!!

Well back to the daily schedule. Pam and i are taken the afternoon to hang out at a bookstore or somewhere quiet. have a great day!
Joyska at 11:11 AM


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