Joyska's Journal: break

Thursday, December 01, 2005


well, it is official. I am taking a break from children for three weeks (until One Thing). I am going to take these three weeks and really seek the Lord. I have the opportunity to work with a group that calls themselves Hope City... they are connected to IHOP and are part of the outreach arm of this place. The goal is to bring IHOP to the streets. I love that. So I am connecting with that on Tuesdays and am excited to see what will happen there.

As far as kids go, I'm not sure what is happening in my heart. I know that there will always be a time and a place in my heart and in whatever I do, the Lord will always keep me connected to this next generation. But in what capacity? I don't know.

It's a little unnerving since I have worked with kids for 16 years! But I know that God is in this process and as I press into Him, He will show me... and I am willing and open... to anything.

Maybe I'll end up in Katmandu (sp?) yet... after all I've already been to Tuktoyuktuk, so that only leaves Katmandu and Timbuktu... right?
Joyska at 4:19 PM


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