Joyska's Journal: thanksgiving in the U S of A

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

thanksgiving in the U S of A

wow, i love holidays and I can party like the rest of them. But I had forgotten how big a of a deal it is in this place. EVERYONE celebrates. Yesterday Mike Bickle jokingly commented that tomorrow afternoon is the Canadian's hour to cover the prayer room as the rest of the base eats their faces off and watches football.

MY plan? Well, I'm actually pretty excited about this. I am going downtown to feed the homeless with a whole crowd of IHOPers. I'll get up early and cook and mash 10 lbs of potatoes, and head there at 10:00. My main job? To sit and hang out with the people that come, talk about their lives and love on them. I think I can do that.

Then I come back here around 3:00, take MY PLACE on the wall and pray for the rest of the afternoon. I sing from 8-10 and then i go home to watch White Christmas by the light of my newly put up tree and decorations.

Sounds like a great way to spend an American SUPER Holiday.

So happy gobble gobble day (for everyone but the turkey!)
Joyska at 11:06 AM


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