the canadians are gone
well, after a very busy and awesome weekend, the 9 Canadians have returned home, leaving Joel, Pam, Nancy, and I once again on our own. I was struck by the fact that within 6 weeks, Nancy and Joel are leaving too. hmmm. It's funny how you can miss people, and yet even when you are living in the same place you don't see them nearly as much as you want to.
I remember when I lived in Michigan, I didn't live that far from my sister and her family, and yet I rarely saw them. I've lived so far away from them now that it's been a long time since I have seen them... that is sad.
What is it about us as people, that makes it so hard to take advantage of the relationships we are in? It always seems that when you move, or they move, or someone has a major life change like marriage or a new baby that we find ourselves wishing we had spent more time, or made those extra efforts to get together.
Wow, how is this for a somber post? But my thought is that we do the same thing to God. It is when he is near that we just start to take it for granted that He is always close and we don't have to work at the relationship. But it is when we feel the distance, (quietness?) that we have a choice of how to respond... we can get frustrated that God feels so far away, or we can turn our face to Him and call on his name again. All of us have bad days, and times when the Lord's silence is simply Him waiting to hear what is on our hearts, but I think that what we really need is to treasure His closeness, and to cultivate our relationship with Him.
Human relationships are hard enough. I long to be that person who never loses touch with anyone, but I know full well that is not possible. I also long to be one who KNOWS that the Lord is always near... that IS possible, and to that I want to put my time and energy!
All that to say, I was sad to see my friends drive away, but I am SO looking forward to this coming week where all meetings are cancelled (except one that I will blog about on Tuesday... how is that for a teaser?) and my time will be spent in the prayer room and in my bed! Woohoo! Now if the insomnia cooperates, I plan on finally catching up on sleep and prayer. I can't begin to tell you how exciting that sounds to me!
Oh... the only thing that changes that schedule is American Thanksgiving on which I am going to head downtown to join a bunch of IHOPers as they do a meal in the park for the homeless crowd. Thrilled to be doing that again!
I remember when I lived in Michigan, I didn't live that far from my sister and her family, and yet I rarely saw them. I've lived so far away from them now that it's been a long time since I have seen them... that is sad.
What is it about us as people, that makes it so hard to take advantage of the relationships we are in? It always seems that when you move, or they move, or someone has a major life change like marriage or a new baby that we find ourselves wishing we had spent more time, or made those extra efforts to get together.
Wow, how is this for a somber post? But my thought is that we do the same thing to God. It is when he is near that we just start to take it for granted that He is always close and we don't have to work at the relationship. But it is when we feel the distance, (quietness?) that we have a choice of how to respond... we can get frustrated that God feels so far away, or we can turn our face to Him and call on his name again. All of us have bad days, and times when the Lord's silence is simply Him waiting to hear what is on our hearts, but I think that what we really need is to treasure His closeness, and to cultivate our relationship with Him.
Human relationships are hard enough. I long to be that person who never loses touch with anyone, but I know full well that is not possible. I also long to be one who KNOWS that the Lord is always near... that IS possible, and to that I want to put my time and energy!
All that to say, I was sad to see my friends drive away, but I am SO looking forward to this coming week where all meetings are cancelled (except one that I will blog about on Tuesday... how is that for a teaser?) and my time will be spent in the prayer room and in my bed! Woohoo! Now if the insomnia cooperates, I plan on finally catching up on sleep and prayer. I can't begin to tell you how exciting that sounds to me!
Oh... the only thing that changes that schedule is American Thanksgiving on which I am going to head downtown to join a bunch of IHOPers as they do a meal in the park for the homeless crowd. Thrilled to be doing that again!
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