Joyska's Journal: vision and purpose

Thursday, June 28, 2007

vision and purpose

I've been feeling under the weather lately. Cough due to cold... that kind of thing, as well as just generally feeling low. It's been raining for 3 days too, so I'm sure it's just a natural instinct to cuddle up and read a good book or watch a good movie and shut out the world for a bit.

Yesterday, I was sickly and well, just down right grumpy. I ended up hanging out with Lisa for a bit and found myself complaining and "choosing" to not trust that God was big enough to deal with my little issues. I'm actually embarrassed about that. I DO believe that God is big enough, infact, I COUNT on God being big enough, otherwise, I'm in serious trouble!

We ended up having a conversation with someone who was curious about what we were doing downtown. As I listened to Lisa spell it out and give the "big picture" again, of wanting to build the prayer room as a place for drug addicts and prostitutes to come and be trained, healed, and delivered by the power of God, my heart turned a corner.

Purpose is important. Vision is essential. Without them, when I "forget" them, I lose my way. With them, it gives energy and momentum that moves me forward. Hope City is an amazing adventure. There is much happening and many lives being touched, delivered, and turned around. Mine included.
Joyska at 8:19 AM


Blogger Nancy said...

I love you Joyska! You are an amazing woman of faith and your journey is always an encouragement to me.

6:21 PM  
Blogger Yvonne Parks said...

Hey Joyska

I was talking to an ex-drug addict a couple weeks ago. (He was supernaturally delivered!) and I was just talking about life "Will I find a house in Ottawa?" or "What school will my kids attend?"

He looked at me and said "Yes...those are real concerns. Home and kids...for sure! But Yvonne...if that's the WORST of your worries in life...then you are so blessed!!!"

He would routinely say this...even when his wife said "Our phone bill payment is late, hon" and he'd say "Yes..but a paycheque IS coming...God takes care of us...and if this is the WORST of our problems.....then...."

It takes a good reality check (like seeing the folks at Hope City) to realize what we have, and more so, what we are living (and dieing) for.

Bless you Joyska....your blog is always encouraging!

8:00 AM  

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