Joyska's Journal: "the hills are alive..."

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"the hills are alive..."

Yes, movie # 18 was the first half of Sound of Music. I would have watched the whole thing, but I am too tired and I need to be up early again tomorrow. There are so many favourite scenes in this movie and though technically not a movie ABOUT Christmas, it is a movie that I watch every Christmas. So technically that makes it a Christmas movie.

Today was a great day. So many things go on in a day at Siloam. The best part of my day was one man telling me about his experiences in the war (never did quite figure out WHICH war) and how he believed God was looking out for him and kept him safe and that every day is worth celebrating... "even if you got nothin", I like this man. He makes me laugh at least once a day, and yet can sit down and talk my ear off if I let him. His most common saying is "it wasn't like that in my day... in my day there was respect" How true it is.

Well. I just yawned big enough to swallow my face, so I had better head to bed. WOW... 10:00 and I'm going to bed... who would of thunk it?

I must still be sick. blach.
Joyska at 8:15 PM


Blogger Roo said...

how about fiddler on the roof? do you watch that one? OR the nativity? those are classics for me. (well, i just added the nativity to the list this year but it is definitely getting watching from NOW on....)

8:31 PM  
Blogger Joyska said...

i've never really done Fiddler as a Christmas movie... though I LOVE the movie. I need to get that one sometime. I have watched Nativity and YES I love that one too... Part of the years daily watching.
Miss ya Ruthie!

4:55 AM  

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