the least likely
Yesterday morning I had the amazing privilege and experience of going into a group home of severe schitzophrenics. There are a number of them in the core area of Kansas City and a couple of the Hope City staff have been cultivating relationships with the group homes and going in to preach and pray. Because it's what I get to do this week, I tagged along with Lisa and Gigi.
There were two tables with mostly men and a few women waiting for us when we arrived. Gigi led out with a prayer and speaking about Hope (Hope City... yah, it works) She talked about how our hope is in God, and that he works ALL things out. Lisa followed that up with talking about God getting us through the struggles and asking who wanted more from God. Gigi sang a song that was a response song and it was all about saying YES to God in all circumstances. The folks sang with gusto!
The prayer time, for me, was a humbling experiences. Each of the folks, one by one, came up for prayer as Lisa, Gigi and I layed hands on them and prophesied over their lives. One man was in tears as he heard the words of hope and took them in. Another man asked to help him be sure he was saved. As Lisa walked him through a prayer, the true conversion of a heart was evident in his eyes.
These are the forgotten ones. These are today's version of lepers. Not so much "unclean", but forgotten all the same, or at least avoided out of fear and misunderstanding of the disease. These are men and women that I felt God pour out His compassion and love on in that room yesterday.
I will never forget it.
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