Joyska's Journal: fot the sake of HIs name...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

fot the sake of HIs name...

Isaiah is a book to be read with a good cup of coffee in your hand... not because it will make you fall asleep, but because over and again he cries out for ALL the peoples of the earth to be alert, for the nations of the world to be aware... and for that you want to be awake!

The last couple of days have been in Isaiah, and I'm making my way through chapters 40- 52 ish today, but I had to stop and comment. The Lord says over and over again through Isaiah that He and He alone is God. He mocks the gods made by human hands and is angered that the heart of His chosen ones are constantly drawn to gods that can do nothing.

He reminds them of where He has taken them from, the mighty miracles He preformed for them in Egypt and in the wilderness, how He has called them by name, Jacob, His servant, Israel His chosen ones, Abraham, His friend. And He reminds them of what He has promised to do... to bless them if they follow His ways AND to curse them if the refuse. He has told them ahead of time what will come because He knew they wouldn't follow and he knew He would have to use that same mighty arm that saved them to discipline them.

He does it out of His love for them and as is said repeatedly in Isaiah for two other reasons as well, that the world may know that He is the Lord and that His name would be honoured and glorified throughout the earth. He's not making empty promises, and throughout He calls His people back to Him, and tells them to simply turn and repent and He will relent and heal them and gather them again into His arms. But His judgement is hard and strong when they turn from Him.

I'm listening to IHOP as I am reading ( you can listen to the prayer room for free!) and they were singing "For the Glory of Your name" over and over as they prayed for the young people coming to a conference there. It just made me think... how does my life reflect that desire to bring Glory to His name... for the sake of His name... for His reputation.

I remember hearing somewhere that a father said to his son, "remember whose name you carry" essentially saying what you do reflects on me. God is saying the same thing to Israel and to all the nations of the world... He is calling all to Himself and to follow His ways, and those that do reflect His name.

I caught a snipit of a tv show yesterday where a comedian was giving his take on the life of Christians. He said that the church had so made things about the rewards in heaven that Christians don't think they have to do good on earth. And in incredible mockery, he said it's a doctrine that encourages suicide. I was horrified by his statement, but then realized what message to the masses do many of us give by the way we live under the label of "Christian".

Isaiah addresses that with the Israelites as well as in one of his prophesies, God says to them, you call yourself mine, you worship me. you sacrifice to me but your heart is far from me. He is longing for them to turn and to love Him for real. And as I read through Isaiah, He is saying the same thing to me.

100% Joyska, I want all of you... all the time. Not only for Joyska's sake, but for the GLORY of HIS NAME. Everything good thing in my life is from Him. Every struggle He uses to strengthen His child. I'm in God, I'm in.
Joyska at 9:49 AM


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