Joyska's Journal: Just call me Scarlett

Monday, August 16, 2004

Just call me Scarlett

I watched Gone With the Wind last night... or at least half of it. what an amazing flick. The title means that the society of the southern united states, as a result of the civil war, was gone with the wind. Everything they knew as normal disappeared and in the midst of it, Scarlet O'Hara goes from a spoiled, childish, helpless girl to a confident, determined and self relient woman. I think that is an amazing picture of what happens to all of us as we face difficult things. I stopped the movie when scarlett is standing on the hill vowing that she will never go hungry again... "As God as my witness..." it really is the turning point of the movie. She at that point choses to be a fighter when up to this point she really was a complainer with spunk.

So what's my point? No point really, just observations. Although, this past weekend I found myself being a complainer with spunk rather than a fighter with faith. My sugars (I am a diabetic) spiked this weekend for no apparent reason. This has happened before, but it was especially disheartening because I honestly believed that God had healed me. My initial response I must say was a defiant complaint... but God is amazingly patient with me. By Sunday, I was back in a place of saying "God, you are big and I am little... you do as you will (as if he needs my permission!) and I will fight the disease as dictated by modern medicine and simply wait for your healing"... because I believe it is coming, either in this life or the next...

So yeah... call me Scarlett. (though I haven't watched the second half of the movie for many years, so if that is a bad thing... just call me Joyska)

Princess Bride Quote:
"Pardon me, excuse me, please... Fezzik..."

Joyska at 10:30 AM


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