Joyska's Journal: Contend for the sending

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Contend for the sending

Wow. This morning was Lenny's class that basically said, look if you want to lead into this next generation, we must learn how to forgive and to truly hear God's heart for today. He took three hours to say it and that is an oversimplification I am sure! He also talked about us (the leaders of today and tomorrow) as Pioneers. The world has never had it so messed up. Abortion, Gender issues, gangs, guns in schools, corrupt governments, all of it, is new playing field for the leaders of today's church. And it is impossible to do any of it with our own agendas and ideas. It's got to come from God.

Good. I agree and I'm tracking...

Tonight, Corey______, (i never caught his last name, but he is one of the teachers at the Forerunner School of Ministry out of IHOP) preaches out of Matthew 9 and says our job is to "Pray therefore" that the Lord of the Harvest would SEND (key word) Labourors into the harvest. Again, the premise being that we are to truly know God's heart and to wait for HIS sending. He made this statement... "too often we cheapen God's mandate by simply "going" (and praying for his blessing) without waiting to truly be sent" Interesting.

I know that is my heart for here and anywhere I will ever end up. I don't ever want to simply go because I think it is God's heart, or something that is good and right to do. I will wait and "contend for the sending".
Joyska at 10:33 PM


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