Joyska's Journal: Picture this

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Picture this

Picture the most exciting thing a kid could do. Got it? Would it look anything like this?

Children 6-12 years old praying for each other and seeing kids get healed. Small groups of children laying hands on each others shoulders and praying for the Spirit to come and touch their hearts. 50 children scattered through out the room in their own space, praying about serious issues like adoption vs abortion. 6-8 year olds reading a chapter a day of the Bible. 4-5 year olds being taught how to take every thought captive and then praying for God to gaurd their thoughts and their heart. 4 and 5 year olds with flags dancing all over the room to worship songs. a young 10 year old girl being trained up to RUN the children's area of a church in Mexico sometime in the next year. A worship team made up of all children, that leads a sweet worship and intimate intercession. A group of children being released to pray for the adults that are in the room. Do I need to go on? Any of these things excite you?

Today, as I walked through all the different areas in the Children's Equipping Center with the intention to simply meet face to face with all the current staff, I witnessed ALL of these things. And it made my heart glad. Someone has finally taken the longing of my heart and made it happen. Jesus has won the hearts of these children. And I couldn't be more excited about what God is doing in the children... from the snotty nosed baby, to the already seasoned worship leader who happens to be in grade 6. You have no idea.

Thank you Papa! Thank you for your Spirit that is alive and well in the hearts of ones made just big enough to hold it!

And then I said good-bye to 14 amazing people. The Winnipeggers. About them I will just say this... they blessed my richly with their friendship, and My blessing I leave with you... Be blessed in the name of the Lord.

I am in need of sleep now however. A certain blonde worship leader (other than Yvonne and Kim) kept me up talking into the wee hours of the night! So, now that the weekend is over, it is time to rest. Monday is my day off and I will take it off. Tuesday is for us Intro to IHOP-pers a "day of consecration" which basically means a challenge to spend 8 consequtive hours in the prayer room. THAT excites me.

Rest well, and know that I miss you all.
Joyska at 12:49 AM


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