Joyska's Journal: Happy Birthday DAD

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Happy Birthday DAD

Today is my dad's birthday. He is 59 years old today. ( I hope that is right Dad, sorry if I got it wrong!) I've been thinking about him a lot today and just wanted to highlight the things that I think are pretty cool about my dad.

1. He is a man that loves God and willingly proclaims him.
2. He has a great sense of humour and often makes people laugh.
3. He is a hard worker and will finish a job, even whn he is in pain.
4. He is an amazing Grandfather to his grandkids (I love watching him with my nephew William!)
5. He is a private man who has much well earned wisdom
6. He is highly respected among his peers
7. He is a generous man
8. He renovates every house he lives in and does it with pride
9. He has been married to my mom for 39 years!
10. He has me for a daughter... (doesn't get much cooler than that Dad!)

Anyway, hope you had an awesome day Dad, I know you are reading, so I thought this would be even better than a card... so from your "far away" daughter... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
Joyska at 1:51 PM


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