new and true
wow, Saturday seems like a week ago! it's been a couple days of meetings meetings meetings. I am on the 2-6:00 prayer team, Monday through Friday, so "my place on the wall" has been established. What that means is that I am here in the prayer room 4 hours a day, plus any evenings or earlier morning times I can fit in. I am on a team and we meet 1/2 hour before, and 1/2 after. the purpose is to bring everyone together in focus and to debrief what the Lord is saying to all of us, or what we are learning. It is a new thing they are doing here at IHOP for new staff and are encouraging "Old" staff to join in. There are 8 on my team, and already at day two, i just feel more connected to the mandate and vision of IHOP.
Anyway, I'm still continueing to learn so much here, and God is moving in areas of my life that I wasn't planning on, or expecting, but am walking through! He is a gracious God, however, and knows exactly what I need and when, so rather than fight him, I am trying to step into whatever He brings and to simply TRUST the only one truly worthy of my trust! Please continue to pray for what God is doing here in me and through me. Pray also for consistant finances. He is faithful and has met every bill and for that I am thankful, it sometimes is in the 11th hour, but it always comes! Thank you to all of you who continue to support me in that way! Be blessed in knowing you are helping to grow the Kingdom amongst the kids here in Kansas City, not to mention, helping me grow emmensely in my walk with the Lord.
Anyway, I'm still continueing to learn so much here, and God is moving in areas of my life that I wasn't planning on, or expecting, but am walking through! He is a gracious God, however, and knows exactly what I need and when, so rather than fight him, I am trying to step into whatever He brings and to simply TRUST the only one truly worthy of my trust! Please continue to pray for what God is doing here in me and through me. Pray also for consistant finances. He is faithful and has met every bill and for that I am thankful, it sometimes is in the 11th hour, but it always comes! Thank you to all of you who continue to support me in that way! Be blessed in knowing you are helping to grow the Kingdom amongst the kids here in Kansas City, not to mention, helping me grow emmensely in my walk with the Lord.
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