Joyska's Journal: sing...sing... sing!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

sing...sing... sing!

I found out today that I have been approved as a "prophetic singer" here in the House of Prayer. YEAH!! I am quite excited. I will start out as a replacement on teams and see where it goes from there. The time in the prayer room has been so great that this added dimension can only make it even better!

Another happy thing is I am going home in 9 days!!!! I have decided to come home on the 28th and stay through the tenth anniversary of WCV and come back with Stephanie and Christina...(so if you are reading this C and S ... i want to ride with you!) I am taking the big bad grey hound there so that should be fun!

Let's see, what else? I guess my soap opera of a life is slowing down a little! Imagine that! I am so looking forward to seeing all the Winnipeggers and having a bit of a break!

Hey here is a question for those of you who think about such things:
Who do you think the two witnesses in Revelation 11 are? (such has been the latest discussion)let me know what you think... it'a a bit of a survey!
Joyska at 7:10 PM


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