early morning musings
it is once again Sunday morning.
It has been thundering all night long, there has been lots of rain, and with it comes the humidity all over again. I get all excited about fall, and then the heat comes back! Apparently only til Wednesday, but still!
Anyway, I have been musing alot lately on the story of the priests of Zadok, partially because that is the scripture (Ezekiel 44:15) that my prayer room team has been focusing on, but also because their story intrigues me. These are the priests that kept the charge when all of Israel went astray, these are the ones who remained faithful. Why?
In doing some study of these men, I discovered that they weren't these valiant men who stood by God "no matter what". These were men who were given an assignment... a "this is your job" kind of thing. They were told what their position in the temple was, according to their family lineage. These were the priests that came from Aaron, direct descendants, the ones to whom God said, "set these apart, they are mine". When Israel began to falter, and forget who they were, these men, maybe out of strong conviction, did what they were designed and assigned to do. They remained faithful to their charge.
I am of the mindset that these men, valiant as they may have been, simply set their hearts and minds to the call and purpose the Lord had for them. It wasn't a "season" of service in the temple... it was their life. So when all began to shake around them, when Israel actually rebuked them and harassed them for their faithfulness, they remained true... because it was their life.
(the eyes of the Lord move to and fro, looking for hearts that are completely his)
I am reminded of Kim McMechan's song:
And when you search through out the earth
I pray you'll find me here...
at your feet.
That I think is the point of the sons of Zadok. They were men that found themselves faithful to what God had given them to do... they found themselves keeping charge of the sanctuary... standing for what was true and right, not wavering from the laws because of their love for the law, and refusing to compromise. And their reward? To minister to the Lord himself, to be invited into His very presense.
The other priests were allowed to do the work of the sanctuary, but were not permitted into His presense. That is one of my greatest fears... that I will do the work of the ministry, but not minister to the Lord.
So my prayer this morning as I go to do the work of the ministry, is that the Lord's presence go with me, that HE minister to the children, and that I remain faithful to the charge.
It has been thundering all night long, there has been lots of rain, and with it comes the humidity all over again. I get all excited about fall, and then the heat comes back! Apparently only til Wednesday, but still!
Anyway, I have been musing alot lately on the story of the priests of Zadok, partially because that is the scripture (Ezekiel 44:15) that my prayer room team has been focusing on, but also because their story intrigues me. These are the priests that kept the charge when all of Israel went astray, these are the ones who remained faithful. Why?
In doing some study of these men, I discovered that they weren't these valiant men who stood by God "no matter what". These were men who were given an assignment... a "this is your job" kind of thing. They were told what their position in the temple was, according to their family lineage. These were the priests that came from Aaron, direct descendants, the ones to whom God said, "set these apart, they are mine". When Israel began to falter, and forget who they were, these men, maybe out of strong conviction, did what they were designed and assigned to do. They remained faithful to their charge.
I am of the mindset that these men, valiant as they may have been, simply set their hearts and minds to the call and purpose the Lord had for them. It wasn't a "season" of service in the temple... it was their life. So when all began to shake around them, when Israel actually rebuked them and harassed them for their faithfulness, they remained true... because it was their life.
(the eyes of the Lord move to and fro, looking for hearts that are completely his)
I am reminded of Kim McMechan's song:
And when you search through out the earth
I pray you'll find me here...
at your feet.
That I think is the point of the sons of Zadok. They were men that found themselves faithful to what God had given them to do... they found themselves keeping charge of the sanctuary... standing for what was true and right, not wavering from the laws because of their love for the law, and refusing to compromise. And their reward? To minister to the Lord himself, to be invited into His very presense.
The other priests were allowed to do the work of the sanctuary, but were not permitted into His presense. That is one of my greatest fears... that I will do the work of the ministry, but not minister to the Lord.
So my prayer this morning as I go to do the work of the ministry, is that the Lord's presence go with me, that HE minister to the children, and that I remain faithful to the charge.
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