Back in Winnipeg
I've been back in Winnipeg for 26 hours. I arrived safely yesterday around 2:00 am. Camillia,
Cheryl, and Debby
helped drive me back. We did well time wise and aside from handing the border guy Camillia's passport instead of mine... it was a smooth sailing, uneventful trip. 
The Sunset was beautiful!
The cars were so loaded down however that I was concerned we might pop a tire or something, but nothing of the sort happened.We laughed alot, talked alot, sang songs, played cat and mouse on the highway (we passed Cheryl and Deb, they passed us and we passed them, then they passed us...)
at one point we lost Cheryl and Deb, but they caught up to us about an hour later :) HONEST we weren't SPEEDING!!!
Relax... its Kilometers... not miles
We got in around 2:00, unloaded all the boxes and vacuum sealed bags, and tried to sleep. Today I was up by 10:30, (11:00?) and tried to organize my new living space. A LOT of stuff will continue in boxes, until I can find an apartment of my own again.
This afternoon I went to Sanctuary House of Prayer ( and LOVED it. The passion and commitment of 20 people running after the same thing for 6 hours straight is awesome. I am so blessed to have something so like IHOP here in Winnipeg. God knows me SO well!
I start work on Wednesday... I'll keep you posted!
In the meantime if you want to see more of my pics from the trip... head over to facebook... They are all on there!
Welcome home Joyska!
Its so great to have you back Joyska!!
I'm so happy you're back! Have a great day at work tomorrow and I hope we can catch up on Thursday!
Welcome to Canada!
Bienvenue au Canada!
I am glad you guys made it back safely!
Welcome back, Joyska. I hope it still feels like home. I'd love to do coffee. Next week maybe? Email me or call me.
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