an empty apartment
HELLO... Hello Hello hello (echo)
Yep... that is what an almost empty two bedroom apartment sounds like.
Today, after an AMAZING lunch with an old Hope City friend named Ron, Lisa and Ray came over and helped me take my couch, chairs, kitchen table and other assorted items to the thrift store. They then returned and took the additional items that were earmarked for them and left my living room considerably less crowded! (THANK YOU Lisa and Ray...)
Then Allison, Stuart, Brad and Kevin came to take the desk, one of the beds, all of my book cases, a large mirror, and who knows what else, over to Allison's... the new owner of many of the above mentioned items. (THANK YOU Allison, Stuart, Brad and Kevin!) It's been quite a night. Then Debby and I went over to Allison's with Brad to put the desk and the Futon together and eat... hang out... whatever. It was really good. We talked all about the inner city in Winnipeg, about Hope City... about life histories... and I realized it was the first time in a LONG time that I was in a room with ONLY 30 somethings! The four of us are all between 34 and 38!
One more sleep and the rest of the moving crew gets here... 3 or 4 more sleeps and I am back in the peg. I realized today that as hard as it is to move, as hurtful as it is to say good bye, I know that every step I take is in the hand of God. Every moment is orchestrated, and I can walk through it kicking and screaming, or I can say yes... roll with it and come through it a lot happier. It's not always my first response, but I do get there. :)
Today as I gave away everything that I have "gathered" over the past two years, I realized that God has even what couch I will sit on in his plan... My possessions have been reduced to 18 boxes, and yet I know I am one of the richest people on the earth because my Father is the owner and creator of all things, and I just happen to be his favourite! haha.
Wow. I can't believe you are leaving KC. If were still in Winnipeg, I'd be excited! But somehow...I just feel this weird feeling. You won't be in KC. Wow. I'm not ready for this big change! hahaha
I love you Joyska...and I know God has something for matter where you end up! I just wish we were closer!!! Gee...Winnipeg people are so darn LUCKY! haha
Great perspective on the material stuff! That can be tough to give away so much of your personal belongings!
You're coming!
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